Thursday, April 28, 2011

Car Retouch Assignment

What I learned in this assignment is how to crop and how to free select, to edit photos like a professional. I also learned how to change the levels of photos and how to erase the background

Monday, April 25, 2011

People Photo Assignment

Over the past week I was given the task to take several photographs under a given category. I chose the category "People". I chose to shoot my model in black and white to accented the human face and not to draw any unneeded attention to colors. Below I have nine photos in a slide show with my best photograph in a sill photo. enjoy!
F-stop: f4.5
ISO: 200
Exposure: 1/60

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gimp Pop Art

Description: In this assignment I followed the direction given to my via Mr. Bush on the Saline Area school web site. The purpose of the assignment was to take a photograph on photo booth and upload the photo to Gimp. Where I edited my photo and turned the photo into a pop art photo.

What I learned: In this photo assignment I learned how to use Gimp and how to edit my photos on Gimp. I also learned what pop art was. I also learned that there are several ways to edit a photo.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Composititon Assignment

Assignment Description:
In this assignment I researched the eleven elements in photography and went out and took photographs that portray the elements.

Balance: red tanks
Lines: window
Space: fire buzzer
Perception: engine
Texture: chair
Depth of field: cups of food
Pattern: Part of an Engine
Rule of thirds: Girl in pottery class
Symmetry: hallway

What You Learned:
During this assignment I learned how to take better pictures using the the eleven elements. I also learned how to use Phtotoshop and I learned to make a blog. I also that there are many angles to take the same picture.